Deepen Your Sense of Security + Gain Emotional Breadth and Intelligence
Learn how to apply the teachings of relational neuroscience, modern attachment and developmental psychology for you, your clients (if you have them), and those close to you.

Sound too high-falootin for ya? Too complicated?
No worries, we have your back. Although we go into depth, we make it easy to understand – or at least easier than you are likely to find it if you went looking on your own.
It's Not Me; It's My Amygdala is an online course that packs in over 4 hours (!) of professionally-curated content and offers certificate of completion for mental health professionals.
This course goes beyond the basics but keeps it practical, easy to understand and entirely self-paced, so you can engage the material at your leisure.
You will get to follow a case from birth into therapy to illustrate the interaction of the various ideas.
Finally, it includes note-taking aids, slides, handouts and short videos to keep it engaging and to aid you in successfully completing the course.
**Note: We can no longer offer CEU accreditation. We can only offer a certificate of completion**
Does any of this sound familiar?
You are a pro – you already know a lot of stuff.
You’ve read, been to a training or ten, but this material is freaky-hard in these ways –
- To keep up with (!)
- To translate from the hard science and research… to application in the real world, in session, in your life
Unsure how to use it with your own theoretical perspective
Perfect, keep doing you. We aren’t providing a new kind of therapy. You won’t be asked to get on the Level Up train to be a registered anything else. We trust you practice the way you do bc it implicitly calls to you, we simply provide a framework that may help refine your decisions, understand why something works or doesn’t and, most likely, elucidate and validate what you already do.
You are interested for personal reasons
Hey friend, so are we, no matter( if there are) any letters behind our name. It’s not a secret that many trainings that mental health pros attend – consciously or not – are actually to help heal ourselves. Which helps everybody.
Ah but I digress….
This course will help those working on healing themselves and those close to them – parent, partner, child, sibling, friend, colleague….
Are looking to supplement your current therapy, discovery, journey… healing path
Perfect. Yes. Head nodding. We think this may definitely help. Thumbs up emoticon.
Frustrated by previous therapy
You won’t find us criticizing anybody or any theory that works to help people. However many do gain insights to jump-start their personal work. Think of us as definitely on your team as a support player. A guide at times. But not the hero. YOU, my friend, are the hero.
You know better, but can’t stop the maddeningly persistent self-defeating patterns and are hoping this course might help
Gremlins are real, ya’ll. Most of us have them, and they aren’t nice. Insight alone is just not enough, and you’ll learn why in this course.
Looking for real help
Yes, we think the course can potentially really help if you are motivated to learn, challenge yourself, explore your “truths” and re-look at your narratives. The goal is more closeness to yourself and others.
However, this course and the podcast are not intended to provide any sort of individualized therapy. And nothing personal my friends, but the hosts aren’t accepting any new clients (we don’t mean to flatter ourselves by assuming you would even want any of this but just in case, best to be clear). We know you understand we must reserve our energy for our current patients, our framily (friends that are family & family that are friends), and all our critters that we have and love.
We do recommend however that you find good support if you are on this journey in depth. Best if it’s in person, eye to eye… but online is great as well. No one can do this alone, dear neurogeek friends. Find your pit crew. You deserve it.
Course Agenda
Part 1
Elements of Adult Attachment Schemas & Interventions
(BAMA)(2 hours)
- Biology – Embodied Relational Neurobiology
- Attachment, Infant
- Maps – Internal Working Maps (IWM's) – assessment and intervention
- Adult Attachment Schemas
Part 2
Clinical Application of the Modern Attachment and Regulation Spectrum MARS
(1/2 hour)
- Differentiation of internal working maps (IWM’s) versus regulation
- Using the Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum as a tool
- Live or Memorex
- Transference, projections, empathy and “triggers”
Part 3
Earning Security
(1.5 hours)
Treatment and intervention strategies
- Case example carried from birth through treatment
- Keys to developing security
- Strategies for each color and growing security as both a state and a trait
- Enhancing your work with patients/clients by understanding yourself
- Primary healing factors that change internal, unconscious maps
Part 4
Conclusion – References, Rock Stars & What's Next
Course evaluation
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Modern Attachment and Regulation Spectrum – all you need to know in one place
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At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:
- Describe an internal working map (IWM) and its role in shaping how it drives unconscious perceptions of the self and the world and how to utilize this knowledge in your own life and your clinical practice.
- Utilize the Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum as a tool to help create new internal and interpersonal experiences.
- Facilitate your own and your client's ability to differentiate between IWM's and moment-to-moment states of mind
- Describe how affective neuroscience and attachment science are different but related in order to sharpen your clinical insight and therapeutic interventions.
- Identify dysregulated states of mind in yourself and your clients to improve your clinical work and develop specific strategies for moving toward more grounded, organized states of mind.
- Develop a strategy based on type of dysregulation or internal working map to move toward security
Thank you so very much for this brilliant course!
Sue & Ann laid out the foundational science in an approachable and engaging conversation that deepened my curiosity and enthusiasm.
They explain any jargon without being simplistic, and explore the science and clinical-level implications. They fleshed out the bioscience with both classical and dramatized relationships, like the visceral Still Face, as well as their own fictional couple seeking co-regulation. They remove inner-critic guilt by demonstrating the multiple forces writing your dysfunctional reactions, and provide that safe space needed for learning and progressing.
I highly recommend to anyone wanting to become a better human.
We are offering a certificate of completion for social workers, psychologists, & counselors.
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Modern Attachment and Regulation Spectrum – all you need to know in one place
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Frequently Asked Questions
Sounds good, but what's the refund policy?
How do I access the course?
How long does it take to complete and is there a required timeline?
What is the price?
The course is over 4 hours long and will be offered to the public for the for the same price as a 60 minute clinical session – $249. If you need a certificate of completion, please email us at
Also note that all of our Neuronerd Patrons get discounts on everything we produce, so if you are a patron and don’t yet have your discount code, let us know!
Still have questions?
Enroll In The Course Today
Modern Attachment and Regulation Spectrum – all you need to know in one place
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