Amazing Source!

This podcast brings together all the insightful theories and approaches (attachment, development, neurobiology, survival adaptations, polyvagal, trauma, etc.) in a practical way that really relates to actual real-life processes of development, stuckness, growth, and change. Great appreciation for the nuanced and encompassing approach. I look forward to learning more from the podcast and from their other resources.

EatingOats - The Netherlands - November 4, 2021

Therapist Uncensored Podcast

EatingOats - The Netherlands - November 4, 2021

This podcast brings together all the insightful theories and approaches (attachment, development, neurobiology, survival adaptations, polyvagal, trauma, etc.) in a practical way that really relates to actual real-life processes of development, stuckness, growth, and change. Great appreciation for the nuanced and encompassing approach. I look forward to learning more from the podcast and from their other resources.

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3 videos, 3 handouts, and 7 podcast episodes to get you started on your path toward secure relating.

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