Love this podcast ❤️

Love these chats! Invaluable to understanding behaviour, learning to get curious over reactive. This stuff has become even more important to me since becoming a parent. There’s so much talk about domestic violence and coercive control and “what can we do about it? 🤷🏽‍♀️” how about… reassessing our own reactions? Moving to our parental reactions to our own kids? How about helping with emotional development? How about becoming aware of our our own behaviours and reactions to feelings, and in that, naturally passing on these understandings. Amazing. Thank-you 🙏🏽

petagold - Australia

Therapist Uncensored Podcast

petagold - Australia

Love these chats! Invaluable to understanding behaviour, learning to get curious over reactive. This stuff has become even more important to me since becoming a parent. There’s so much talk about domestic violence and coercive control and “what can we do about it? 🤷🏽‍♀️” how about… reassessing our own reactions? Moving to our parental reactions to our own kids? How about helping with emotional development? How about becoming aware of our our own behaviours and reactions to feelings, and in that, naturally passing on these understandings. Amazing. Thank-you 🙏🏽

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