Become a Sponsor

Leverage our Platform to Share Your Work

Your sponsorship helps our loyal, smart audience find your quality content and helps us continue to provide mental health access to marginalized individuals.  It's a win-win! 

Why Become a Sponsor?

Podcast sponsorship offers unparalleled engagement and effectiveness in today's digital landscape:

1. High Attention and Action: 64% of listeners pay full attention to podcast ads, with 95% of frequent listeners taking action after hearing an audio ad.

2. Ad-Blocker Resistant: Unlike digital ads, podcast sponsorships can't be blocked, ensuring your message reaches the audience.

3. Low Skip Rates: 67% of listeners rarely skip ads or only skip some of the time, guaranteeing high exposure for your brand.

4. Trust and Authenticity: Podcast hosts are highly trusted, with 63% of listeners considering them trustworthy. This trust rivals that of family (85%) and friends (84%).

5. Deep Connection: Listeners feel more connected to brands they hear about through their favorite hosts' voices.

6. Proven Results: 72% of listeners visit an advertiser's website after hearing a host-read sponsorship, with 62% making a purchase.

7. Superior to Social Media: Podcast advertising is 30% more trustworthy than social media ads and enhances social media campaigns by 83% when heard first.

Source: Data from Acast, Edison Research, Magna Global, YouGov, and ARN Neurolab studies, as compiled by Acast (2023).

By becoming a podcast sponsor, you tap into a highly engaged, trusting audience primed for action.

Now the important question is, why become a sponsor for our podcast in particular?

Why Therapist Uncensored?


We are trusted!

Our podcast ranks in the Apple Top 10 Social Science podcast in the US and in the top 50 in over a dozen other countries.

This means we rank up there with NPR's Hidden Brain and Invisibilia, which is remarkable considering we are an indie-produced show, hosted by women, a gay couple, and have never advertised the show.

Our time-tested and proven platform is a smart investment for your value-aligned business.

It also keeps our content free to consumers, ensuring this life-changing science reaches those who need it most.   


What Is My ad reach? Certified IAB-Statistics


Therapist Uncensored is in the top 1% of all podcasts:

Over 10 million downloads.

An international audience, over 200 countries tune in

Each episode averages 24,000 downloads in the first 30 days. 

Our catalog gets an average of 250,000 downloads per month.*

* Average from 4/2021-4/2023

If we work together, we consider it a true partnership and are happy to be creative in how it comes together. 


More details about our audience



Our podcast attracts a loyal and diverse audience that is deeply committed to personal growth.  It is a mix of professionals and a very intelligent and engaged general public.  We appeal to parents, couples, therapists, those in therapy, those who enjoy self-help without the fluff, and to LGBTQI+ audiences.

Statistically, we lean heavily towards women in the range of  34-60 years of age (but we love all gender expressions and our young audience as well).

Your sponsorship will place your brand in front of listeners who value quality and integrity.

Types of Podcast Advertising

To make sponsorships most accessible, we offer two options and the more slots you purchase the less expensive it is. 

FIRST: Choose between a guest-read ad or a host-read ad.


THEN: Choose duration of your ad below.  

Guest-Read Ad

With this budget-friendly option, you submit a high quality 60 second ad in your own voice that will be seamlessly integrated into our episodes. If you prefer, a TU teammember can also record it for you with professional equipment and upon your approval submit it as a Guest-Read Ad (vs Host Read). 

Host-Read Ad

Opt for a host-read ad to have our podcast hosts – Dr. Ann Kelley or Sue Marriott – personally deliver your 60 second message. This option leverages the host's credibility and connection with our audience for maximum engagement. 

The Nibble! (click for details)

If you are new to sponsorships or unsure about the market you can request a one-time, one-episode recording.

Remember, your message will be heard by over 20,000 listeners in the first 30 days, so if you have a new product you are excited about, podcast advertising may be an excellent way to get the word out there for you.

Note: We encourage setting up affiliate links or providing discount codes so you can test its effectiveness. We are happy to work with you to create the most effective ad. 

$950 nibble


4 Pack: Most popular option - choose guest/host read (details below)

Guest-read 4 Pack

Four 60-second sponsor-read ads are seamlessly integrated into the show. 

One episode every other week for 6 weeks. 

Coveted mid-roll ad placement plus show notes ad placement linked to your product. 

$3600 ($900/each)

Host-read 4-Pack

Four 60-second, personally endorsed ads read by podcast hosts Dr. Ann Kelley or Sue Marriott LCSW CGP.

One episode every other week for 6 weeks. These will get primary mid-roll placement plus primary show note advertising.

$5000 ($1250/ea)


6 Pack: Secures your primary ad slot, includes newsletter* (details below)

This options is available if you sign up for 6 + ads.

Guest-read 6 Pack:

Six + 60-second sponsor-read ads seamlessly integrated into the primary ad spot (first midroll placement), shownotes and newsletter. 

$4800 ($800/each)

 Host-read 6-Pack

Everything above except personally endorsed ad reads by podcast hosts Dr. Ann Kelley or Sue Marriott LCSW CGP. 

 $6000 ($1000/each)

*NOTE: In addition to the podcast audio and shownotes, our newsletter gives your product link direct access to our email list of over 10,000 individuals.

More details:

Slots are very limited, so if your application gets accepted your ad will absolutely get the love and attention it deserves.

We want this to be effective for you and are open to working together to make it have the greatest impact – our team can advise regarding ad strategy, content and audio quality.  Please contact us with any questions, we'd love to partner with you and want this to be a win-win for everybody!  

Payment is required once the ad has been accepted, payment plans are available for series sponsorships.

We hope to partner with you but even if we don't, we wish you the best of luck on your product or service!!



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3 videos, 3 handouts, and 7 podcast episodes to get you started on your path toward secure relating.

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