Connecting with Your Unconscious to Understand Your Defenses Session 5 of 5 – (187)

by | Sep 27, 2022 | Attachment, Defense Systems, Episodes, Relationships, Trauma | 0 comments

Show Notes

From navigating power dynamics to utilizing healthy aggression – this series covered many layers of our our natural defense systems. But how do we navigate something we don't know is there? Ann and Sue are back with one final session to help shift our perspectives and disarm our defenses.

This is the 5th episode in a series of 5.  You can start anywhere but if you prefer to start at the beginning of the series click here for Session 1. 

Throughout this five-session series, we've explored different defenses, self-reflection, and navigation our own often unconscious internal protection systems. But how do we navigate something we aren't aware of in the first place? In this episode, Ann and Sue recap the material we've learned and take a dive into suppression versus repression. Organizing defenses on a continuum can help us tap into our own emotions, and better regulate our responses to the triggers of the world. However, it is also important to detach the narrative of being “good and bad,” when it comes to our defenses, and recognize they are little parts of who we are that are constantly evolving. Whether it's projection, appearing to be a “know it all”, power dynamics, ceding, or even being forgetful – we express our unconscious and conscious defenses in multiple ways. Join in exploring your own personal arsenal with curiosity and recognition of the care that drives it.

“Some of these defenses are biological. Some are related to religion, culture – you name it. The stew that makes us human come to play in what we're able to tolerate, take in, and allow ourselves to struggle with. When we can see it, we can then begin to reckon with it.” – Sue Marriott

Time Stamps for Connecting with Your Subconscious – Episode 187

7:44 – Understanding the hierarchy of defense

8:22 – Reviewing the primitive defenses

8:49 – Suppression vs repression

14:55 – The role of “splitting” in our self-image

16:47 – Why healthy denial is essential

20:44 – Recognizing defenses are not black and white

28:24 – “Forgetting” as a defense

43:42 – The issue with compliance

48:35 – Definition of “ceding” in defenses

CLICK HERE FOR THE DEFENSE SERIES, SESSION 5 TRANSCRIPTS Episode 187  – Lightly edited for readability

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Thanks for stopping by, we hope the podcast (and these show notes) offer quality education and insight about interpersonal relating.  

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