Therapist Uncensored Podcast

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TU111: Navigating Narcissistic Relationships – Gaslighting Manipulation and Grandiosity Called Out

TU111: Navigating Narcissistic Relationships – Gaslighting Manipulation and Grandiosity Called Out

You deserve better!! Are you lost in a narcissistic relationship?
The term narcissism is easily tossed around, especially in this world of selfies. However if you are deeply connected to someone with the personality disorder narcissism it is a very real, painful and a seriously disruptive experience. It is also surprisingly difficult to identify when you are immersed in it, and difficult to disengage the pattern of supporting their world-view.  We break it down here!

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featured Guests

We bring you world-reknown guest experts, as well as outside-the-choir voices, so you may have direct access to updated theory and fresh ideas as they come.

Featured guests include the smartest minds in the relational sciences.

Joseph LaDeux
Arielle Schwartz
Jill Bolte-Tayl0r
Terry Real
Laurel Parnell
Bruce Perry
Kristen Neff
Lou Cossolino
Bonnie Badenoch
Pat Crittendon
Dan Siegel
David Elliott
Ellyn Bader
Dan Brown
Pat Ogden
Esther Perel
Bruce Eckert
Alan Srouf
Nancy McWilliams
Peggy Orenstein
Steve Porges
Tina Payne-Bryson
Deb Dana
Stan Tatkin
Lori Gottlieb
And many, many more deep thinkers and fabulous minds that we interview both to bring you their work, and to continuously integrate new and trusted perspectives into our own thinking and theory of what actually works to heal people.
Stan Tatkin

Steve Finn

Alphonso Appleton

Ellyn Bader

Dan Brown

Jules Shore

Liz Plank

Bonnie Badenoch

Sarah Peyton

Aby Blakely

Deb Dana

Doug Braun-Harvey

Tina Atkins

L Brookins

Pam Greenstone

Robyn Gobbel

Linno Rhodes

The Science of Psychotherapy's Becki Mendivil

Susan Ansorge

Bob Schneider

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