Therapist Uncensored Podcast

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TU154: Conquer Shame by Understanding the Science Behind the Feeling, with Guest Expert Dr. Steve Finn – REPLAY

TU154: Conquer Shame by Understanding the Science Behind the Feeling, with Guest Expert Dr. Steve Finn – REPLAY

Unpack the neuroscience of shame with Dr. Stephen Finn and co-hosts, Dr. Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP. It is probably one of your least favorite feelings, but it contains important interpersonal information for us and is a good one to deep-dive around. This is a replay from the archives, but is highly relevant today as nobody is feeling very good about themselves right now.

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TU153: How Good Boundaries Bring Us Closer – REPLAY – with Juliane Taylor Shore

TU153: How Good Boundaries Bring Us Closer – REPLAY – with Juliane Taylor Shore

Interpersonal co-regulation requires boundary-setting. Therapist Uncensored co-hosts Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott join the founder of IPNB Psychotherapy of Austin, Dr. Juliane Taylor Shore, in a discussion on interpersonal neurobiology and regulation. We’ll explore the three types of boundaries, how to co-create them plus how to stay regulated using internalized relationships with the self.

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TU151: Secure Parenting While Under Stress with Dan Siegel & Tina Payne-Bryson REPLAY

TU151: Secure Parenting While Under Stress with Dan Siegel & Tina Payne-Bryson REPLAY

Learn the cheat code to parenting in a pandemic with Dr. Dan Siegel and Dr. Tina Bryson as they break down the science behind attachment and showing up. This is literally from the father of interpersonal neurobiology and his colleague as they apply the actual science to managing massive uncertainty and unprecedented stress.

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TU 150: Ann & Sue's 150th Episode – Recaps & Recommendations for Growing Security

TU 150: Ann & Sue's 150th Episode – Recaps & Recommendations for Growing Security

Sue Marriott LCSW CGP and Ann Kelley PhD conclude their fifth season of this podcast. Therapist Uncensored is packed with incredible content and has an archive of episodes developed over the past 5 years with the theme growing security. The expert guest list is an embarrassment of riches. This episode reviews some of the highlights and points you in the right direction based on your interest. Shownotes at

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TU 149: Modern Attachment Regulation Spectrum – An Integrated Model of Change

TU 149: Modern Attachment Regulation Spectrum – An Integrated Model of Change

The Modern Attachment-Regulation Spectrum – a model developed to describe attachment and neuroscience discussed by Sue Marriott & Ann Kelley. They summarize the 5 seasons so far and give a review of what they've learned. If you have ever wanted to understand attachment or keep up to date with the science, this podcast is packed with resources for you to learn and grown. See more at

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TU 148: Emotionally Focused Therapy & Attachment with Camille Scent

TU 148: Emotionally Focused Therapy & Attachment with Camille Scent

Today's episode dives into a specific form of healing relationships, Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT). Co-host Sue Marriott talks with therapist Camille Scent about Sue Johnson's widely-respected treatment model. EFT is based in attachment science is a powerful tool in transforming even very difficult relationships.

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TU145: Class, Race, Culture and Attachment, Re-examined

TU145: Class, Race, Culture and Attachment, Re-examined

Attachment science is one of the most empirically validated theories of human development and is considered by many to be biologically driven and universal. But how can psychological science developed by educated European scholars in the 50's not unintentionally have some implicit bias? Join us in re-examining our assumptions about healthy child development, maternal sensitivity and attachment “insecurity.” It's an overdue awkward and highly imperfect conversation but exactly what we should be talking about today.

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TU144: The Case of Feli, an Awkward Goose

TU144: The Case of Feli, an Awkward Goose

A poignant short story about isolation to connection. There is hope for us all – no matter your attachment history, there is hope for change with relationships. In this episode, Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP shares a specific case about an awkward goose named Felicity as another way of looking at change in attachment. Dan Stern's paper linked and recommended. Find more at

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TU143: Fear of Abandonment and Narcissism, with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

TU143: Fear of Abandonment and Narcissism, with Dr. Ramani Durvasula

Dr. Ramani Durvasula joins us to deepen our series on challenging personalities and to discuss the underpinnings of narcissism as it relates to attachment. Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP and Dr. Durvasula discuss how to identify and navigate these tough relationships. See more at

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TU141: How We Become the Person's We Are with Dr. Alan Sroufe, Attachment Through the Lifespan

TU141: How We Become the Person's We Are with Dr. Alan Sroufe, Attachment Through the Lifespan

Leading attachment researcher Dr. Alan Sroufe shares personal reflections of his lifetime of studying attachment from infancy to adulthood. Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP discusses his new book, A Compelling Idea, How We Become the Person's We Are (2020) and the take away's from the 40-year and ongoing Minnesota study.

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TU140 – Couples Therapy Through the Eyes of Experts: Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson

TU140 – Couples Therapy Through the Eyes of Experts: Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson

Every couple has its ups and downs, but it's easy to think that our relationship is uniquely challenging. Experts in couples therapy and a couple themselves, Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson join co-host Sue Marriott to discuss what most people get wrong about working with couples, and how to help get it right. Together, they'll dive into the dos and don'ts of couples therapy, from the perspective of the therapist and the patient. 

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TU139: Boys and Sex, Modern Young Men and Sexuality with Peggy Orenstein

TU139: Boys and Sex, Modern Young Men and Sexuality with Peggy Orenstein

Dive into hook up culture, locker room talk, and the modern shifts in youth sexual behavior and health. Peggy Orenstein unpacks her new book “Boys and Sex” with co-host Ann Kelley. In this peak behind the curtain of the experience of young male sexuality, we’ll see how boys struggle with the conflicting needs of the conquest narrative of sex and their own internal understanding of pleasure. Her book was written about both cis and trans men, and covers the whole spectrum of sexual orientations, backgrounds, and experiences.

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TU138: What if it's You that's the Difficult One?  Holding Your Own Challenging Personality Traits (6 of 6)

TU138: What if it's You that's the Difficult One? Holding Your Own Challenging Personality Traits (6 of 6)

So we've been studying how to hold our own with challenging people, but what if you become aware that that difficult person is you? Cringe. Yea, us too, we get it. We summarize and review the series and focus on how to change your life for the better. Sue Marriott and Ann Kelley take you along on some personal examples of being difficult themselves.

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TU137:  Holding Your Own S5, Malignant Narcissism (5th in a series)

TU137: Holding Your Own S5, Malignant Narcissism (5th in a series)

Accusations are their confessions. In this episode learn why we elect, promote, excuse and love those with malignant narcissist tendencies. Sort out the other forms of self-involvement, psychopathology and anti-social traits from this dangerous personality structure. Sue & Ann finish out their series on Holding Your Own with Challenging Personality Traits – this is session 5 of 6. Find more here

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TU136: Holding Your Own S4 -“Borderline” Traits (4th in a series)

TU136: Holding Your Own S4 -“Borderline” Traits (4th in a series)

When does sensitivity cross the line into clinical reactivity?

Borderline traits, or those with highly reactive personalities, are another common challenge in relationship that we might need support to navigate well.

Today's episode sees co-hosts Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott unpack high reactivity through a caring and developmental approach. Together, they discuss how these dynamics and traits arise, what they look like, and what we can do when we find ourselves in relationships with them. Find more here

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TU135: Holding Your Own Session 3 – Covert Narcissism (3rd in a Series)

TU135: Holding Your Own Session 3 – Covert Narcissism (3rd in a Series)

When does self-consciousness and self-reflection cross the line into self-preoccupation? Covert narcissism is also called thin-skinned, vulnerale, depressed or closet narcissism. It's a real thing but unlike grandiosity, it's quite hard to spot!  Think about it – if you feel when you walk in a room everyone is looking at you – admiringly or judgmentally, either way – that is a narcissistic fantasy. Today's episode follows the other side of grandiosity. Find more here

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featured Guests

We bring you world-reknown guest experts, as well as outside-the-choir voices, so you may have direct access to updated theory and fresh ideas as they come.

Featured guests include the smartest minds in the relational sciences.

Joseph LaDeux
Arielle Schwartz
Jill Bolte-Tayl0r
Terry Real
Laurel Parnell
Bruce Perry
Kristen Neff
Lou Cossolino
Bonnie Badenoch
Pat Crittendon
Dan Siegel
David Elliott
Ellyn Bader
Dan Brown
Pat Ogden
Esther Perel
Bruce Eckert
Alan Srouf
Nancy McWilliams
Peggy Orenstein
Steve Porges
Tina Payne-Bryson
Deb Dana
Stan Tatkin
Lori Gottlieb
And many, many more deep thinkers and fabulous minds that we interview both to bring you their work, and to continuously integrate new and trusted perspectives into our own thinking and theory of what actually works to heal people.
Stan Tatkin

Steve Finn

Alphonso Appleton

Ellyn Bader

Dan Brown

Jules Shore

Liz Plank

Bonnie Badenoch

Sarah Peyton

Aby Blakely

Deb Dana

Doug Braun-Harvey

Tina Atkins

L Brookins

Pam Greenstone

Robyn Gobbel

Linno Rhodes

The Science of Psychotherapy's Becki Mendivil

Susan Ansorge

Bob Schneider

What do you want to learn today?

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